
Teona Absandze
Senior Analyst

Teona Absandze is the FactCheck Georgia team member from the start of the GRASS fact-checking program. As a Senior Analyst, she focuses on the health and social-economic issues. 

In 2013, Teona graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University with a master’s degree in Media Studies. Before that, in 2010, she received a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Grigol Robakidze University. Teona has participated in a number of training courses, seminars and conferences.

Teona periodically writes articles for different media outlets. From 2014 to 2018, she worked for Forbes Georgia magazine. In 2010-2011, she was the Human Rights Center journalist. 

Teona has an experience of working as a trainer on data journalism, social and health policy and domestic violence issues. 

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