Natia Turnava:
“The average labour remuneration has increased by 15% and more. This is very important and in principle – inevitable when an economy recovers.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Natia Turnava’s statement is a MANIPULATION
27/09/2021Manipulationგანცხადებაში გაჟღერებული ფაქტები/რიცხვები მეტ-ნაკლებად სწორია, თუმცა სრული კონტექსტი განზრახ არის დამახინჯებული-en -
Natia Turnava:
“The positive trend in terms of foreign trade still continues. In the first eight months, the total trade turnover increased by 22.2% as compared to the previous year and by 7.2% as compared to 2019.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Natia Turnava’s statement is TRUE
21/09/2021TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Mikheil Saakashvili:
“Georgia is among the world’s top five countries in terms of the unemployment rate.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Mikheil Saakashvili’s statement is a LIE
20/09/2021LieThe statement is inaccurate and the assertion in it is absurd -
Lasha Khutsivhili:
“The number of employed persons in the second quarter of 2021 is 85,000 more as compared to the first quarter. The major reason behind the growth in the unemployment rate is the expanding workforce which is indicative of a rapid economic recovery.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Lasha Khutsishvili’s statement is a MANIPULATION.
13/09/2021Manipulationგანცხადებაში გაჟღერებული ფაქტები/რიცხვები მეტ-ნაკლებად სწორია, თუმცა სრული კონტექსტი განზრახ არის დამახინჯებული-en -
Tourism Dynamic in the First Eight Months of 2021
Prior to the pandemic, Georgia’s income from international travel was increasing annually. In 2019, Georgia’s tourism revenues reached USD 3.2 billion
13/09/2021FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Irakli Gharibashvili:
We have a growth rate of 12.7% for 6 months, which is unprecedented in recent years
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Irakli Gharibashvili’s statement is HALF TRUE
06/09/2021Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
Negative Trade Balance in Agro-Food Products Decreased by 27% in 2020
Total value of agro-food product exports from Georgia in 2020 was USD 942.2 million which is 6% higher as compared to 2019 figure
06/09/2021FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Irakli Gharibashvili:
“We are one of the leaders in the whole world in terms of the economic growth rate.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Irakli Gharibashvili’s statement is MOSTLY FALSE
31/08/2021Mostly FalseIn the statement is the elements of the truth, but the important facts that could have made other impressions -
Roman Gotsiridze:
“Today’s inflation rate is 11.9%, a double-digit inflation. In the course of the last ten years, there has not been inflation of such a scale as compared to any month.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Roman Gotsiridze’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE.
25/08/2021Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
Giorgi Vashadze:
“From your premiership to the second premiership, Georgian Railway accumulated GEL 1.2 billion in losses.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Giorgi Vashadze’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE.
24/08/2021Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
Ana Tsitlidze:
“The Chinese company you (Prime Minister) worked for was supposed to make USD 150 million investment in the Poti Industrial Zone, although this commitment has not been implemented.”
Verdict: FactCheck leaves Ana Tsitlidze’s statement WITHOUT A VERDICT.
16/08/2021Without verdictThe verification of the application can not be evaluated -
Teona Tchalidze:
“Prices on staple foods have increased by 14% as compared to the previous year and utilities and transportation costs have also gone up.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Teona Chalidze’s statement is TRUE.
16/08/2021TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Wine Subsidies in Georgia
Georgia has been subsidising grape prices since 2008 when Russia imposed a trade ban on Georgian wine.
09/08/2021FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Irakli Gharibashvili:
“Take a look at the countries of the region and trends in Europe, there are not many places with such a growth.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Irakli Gharibashvili’s statement is HALF TRUE
09/08/2021Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
Night Economy - Kakha Kaladze’s Failed Project
On 20 April 2018, the Mayor of Tbilisi, Kakha Kaladze, unveiled a night economy development project at the Biltmore Hotel.
27/07/2021FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper
“Recent economic growth constitutes 9.7%...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
“Georgia is becoming increasingly attrac...
FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
“The economy grew by 9.5% with export an...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition