Rati Ionatamishvili:
In his term of presidency thus far, Margvelashvili pardoned 3,617 persons. Of these, 82% were convicted for serious or particularly serious crimes
17/10/2018Manipulationგანცხადებაში გაჟღერებული ფაქტები/რიცხვები მეტ-ნაკლებად სწორია, თუმცა სრული კონტექსტი განზრახ არის დამახინჯებული-en -
Grigol Vashadze:
The crime rate has increased by 50%
03/10/2018Without verdictThe verification of the application can not be evaluated -
Presidential Address – Time when Observance of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure becomes Obligatory
04/05/2018FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Archil Talakvadze:
Party representatives conducting a separate voter registration from the table voter list during the polling process fully corresponds with the law
22/10/2017Mostly FalseIn the statement is the elements of the truth, but the important facts that could have made other impressions -
Giorgi Margvelashvili:
International partners have called upon us not to enact changes related to the election environment in an election year
26/07/2017TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Archil Talakvadze:
In today’s Europe, of those countries with a parliamentary system of government, you can find just one country where the president is directly elected
10/06/2017FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
How is it possible to disappear in Tbilisi and find yourself in Baku?
06/06/2017FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Irakli Alasania:
The accused in the Cables Case had nothing to do with the money they are accused of embezzling
25/10/2016TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Irakli Abesadze:
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia took different approaches towards the suspects in the Marneuli and Kortskheli incidents
20/10/2016TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Nodar Khaduri:
The increase in pensions will be accomplished at the expense of funds mobilised from taxation and privatisation
23/12/2015FactCheck NewspaperFactCheck Newspaper -
Giga Bokeria:
We have seen the illegal and coordinated actions of two branches against Rustavi 2 – the court and the Public Register
22/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Giga Bokeria:
The main point of the seizure of the property is to prevent the flow of money from Rustavi 2. Money would enter Rustavi 2 by a share purchase agreement and the company’s condition would be improved
21/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Paata Kiknavelidze:
Georgia is the only country in the whole world which allows the eviction of a person without a court warrant
05/10/2015Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
Nino Gvenetadze:
The Disciplinary Committee of the Judges of the Common Courts of Georgia has not really been functioning. Especially, since 2012…
28/09/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing
“Recent economic growth constitutes 9.7%...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
“Georgia is becoming increasingly attrac...
FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
“The economy grew by 9.5% with export an...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition