On July 8, 2024, the executive secretary of the Georgian Dream party, Mamuka Mdinaradze, called the indefinite postponement of the exercise of "Noble Partner 2024" by the US wrong and incomprehensible. „Name one false accusation or disinformation that Georgian Dream voiced against the US. No MP, no member of the government, no representative of the government has ever said that the EU, the US is bad or anything similar. We have never blamed the US for the second front. Nor have we ever called the US a Global War Party. Give me one quote, when we called the US a global war party!", - he also stated.

The given statement drew FactCheck Georgia's attention and it has researched recent anti-US and anti-EU messages voiced by the Georgian Dream MPs or other government members.

It should be noted that the Georgian Dream has been talking about the power - the Global War Party - for a second year, which, according to them, rules the world. However, they do not explain, specifically, who they mean by the mentioned force. They claim that the Global War Party is working to weaken the state institutions in Georgia, organize a revolution, and overthrow the government in this way, in order to draw Georgia into the war and open a "second front" against Russia.

Some statements made by the members of the government and the Georgian Dream deputies directly indicate that the Global War Party is constituted by the EU (its separate institutions) and the US. In some statements said subjects are presented as victims or being under the influence of the Global War Party.

On May 24, 2024, the leader of the parliamentary majority, Mamuka Mdinaradze, responded to the sanctions announced by the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken. He accused the EU Commissioners of making threats and the US of blackmail.

"Only in the last three days:

During the conversation with the Prime Minister of Georgia, the European Commissioner made a reference about us sharing the fate of the Prime Minister of Slovakia”;

„The US Secretary of State has announced sanctions on us for adopting a much lighter law than the current law in their country.

This situation does not even need to be evaluated, although very briefly:

1. The policy of blackmail and threats continues in order to prevent Georgia from making independent decisions based on its own interests. Despite spending hundreds of millions, the agent network is so weak that it only relies on the actions of external actors and thrives.

2. It is unprecedented and, at the same time, comical to sanction an MP elected by the people for adopting a law at their discretion.

3. Even the Soviet Union refused to distribute responsibilities to family members a few decades before its collapse...

4. Independence of the country is not sold for any visa. [What is] giving up a visa, when the Georgian people have died for this cause, but, apparently, they still do not know us! The Georgians, who will never give up our land, language, faith, traditions, dignity, justice, and will become full members of the European family in this way! In the end, everyone will have to talk to the Georgian people and the government elected by them, and not to the government appointed from outside!”.

After the reintroduction of “the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence”, Mamuka Mdinaradze, with the statement made on April 3, 2024, alleged that the former ambassador of one of the countries [depending on the context, he meant the former US ambassador to Georgia, Kelly Degnan] carried the interests of the Global War Party and made various accusations towards American and European foundations.

"Until now, not one of the donors of rich NGOs has taken responsibility for their anti-state actions and radical political agenda. Also, no one took responsibility for the foreign-funded fake campaign to delegitimize the elections in 2020 started by a number of media outlets belonging to the radical opposition. The most disturbing thing is that this hysterical campaign was headed by a person who held the status of ambassador of one of the countries, but in reality, [she] represented the interests of the Global War Party in Georgia, instead of [the interests of] this country. As it turned out, [she] had a lot to hide. Despite the complete non-transparency of the financing of NGOs, last year we became aware of certain cases of financing of extremism in Georgia, which were aimed at supporting revolutionary processes. In particular, over the past year, we have provided the public with information about the financial support of "Droa", "Franklin Club", "Canvas" trainings, as well as other associations and events funded by foreign funds, which promoted the intensification of radicalism and so-called polarization. The financing of "Droa" and other similar cases show how harsh the attitude of the relevant foreign power is towards the Constitution and legislation of Georgia, as well as, in general, the state sovereignty of Georgia. In developed countries, foreign funding of political parties is strictly limited, and the legislation of Georgia is written according to this approach. In this context, the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) acted completely rudely and brazenly and funded a political party for electoral purposes. It should be noted that the European Endowment for Democracy has already exerted illegitimate influence on the 2024 elections, which would definitely be depicted in the reports of the so-called local [election] observer organizations if these NGOs did not receive funding from the same sources. Considering all of the above, we are not surprised that the former ambassador told a shameful lie to the citizens of Georgia last year and called the bill copied from the American law, which had nothing to do with the law in force in Russia, a "Russian law". Based on the fact that under the new ambassador, the practice of supporting extremism in Georgia has weakened, we have reasonable hope that the current ambassador will not tell such lies to the Georgian people. After the developments around the bill on "transparency of foreign influence", the practice of supporting extremism has weakened, but it has not been completely eliminated. Moreover, more than 90 percent of the financing of the NGOs remains non-transparent. During this period, we had consultations on the transparency of finances of the largest American and European foundations, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). However, we have not made any progress in ensuring the transparency of these funds. We cannot rely on the benevolence of certain ambassadors. In addition, it should be noted that the security of Georgia should be protected from various sides. In such conditions, we believe that there is no alternative to the transparency of NGOs in Georgia,“ - he stated.

According to Mamuka Mdinaradze's statement on March 13, 2024, the Global War Party influences the European Union’s actions against Georgia, including in regards to the membership candidate status.

„When we mention the Global War Party, it is the name given by us, but it is not made up out of thin air. We saw that some forces were able to make non-objective decisions in relation to Georgia - they influenced the decision of the European Union...

...With this step, the European Union itself admitted that with the criteria that are decisive for [it] when [it] grants a certain status to a country, [it] has not granted the status despite [the country meeting them], which was indicated by the published criteria. In this context, there is some power, call it a Global War Party or an X power, this X power has the ability, despite this country being number one, to influence the European Union not to grant it candidate status and give it to another country that lags behind Georgia in all criteria“, - he said.

According to Mamuka Mdinaradze's statement of October 31, 2023, representatives of the local USAID organization "sin a lot" and finance revolutionary processes in Georgia.

"The preventive side of the punishment, a certain fine, any sanction is that a person should not even think about the offense and the crime anymore , because a certain sanction will be imposed. The removal of this sanction, in this case, paying the fine, means disregarding the laws and the constitutional order of the state, direct hostility. That's why, despite how many days have already passed, we still don't know whose money it is exactly, sometimes USAID is blamed. It seems, and there are many signs of this, I am not saying by chance, that the representatives of the local organization are making a lot of mistakes because there is a certain logic and information, that they do not have instructions from the central office to even think about promoting a violent revolution here.

It's good that this is slowly becoming clear. If any of our people, Georgians, think that the money of the American people, the American taxpayer, the European taxpayer, the European people will be used for chaos, violence, etc. in Georgia, it is the most anti-European, anti-American, and anti-Western action, that the local representatives of these organizations seem to take with great pleasure“, - he said.

Chairman of the Georgian Dream faction, Mamuka Mdinaradze, responded to the statement of the US Embassy on October 2, 2023. He demanded an answer from the USA to the question of "why they financed the violent revolutionary model and its trainings in Georgia".

"Any organization, including such an authoritative organization of our friend and strategic partner country, USAID, should make clear explanations. We did not hear clear explanations, instead, we heard, without exaggeration, a cynical statement that it turned out that what we heard was not the text [told] and there was no preparation for a youth revolution, it turned out that, in cooperation with the law, trainings were given to mothers who demand improved treatment of childhood oncological diseases and to persons who advocate for the rights of senior citizens. If this fact is true, then we are wrong, and what we and all citizens of Georgia saw in the recordings imagined all of this and there was no talk about the revolution and there was no talk about sharing the practice of the revolution. There was no talk of youth involvement, that they have nothing to lose. This is the level of cynicism we have received today, unfortunately, and when it comes to our friends, yes, we have to face the truth and say that our friends are wrong in this case. We enter into this discussion and demand, especially from our friends, we have the right to demand from a friend, a concrete explanation why they financed the forceful revolutionary model and its trainings in Georgia, to give us an answer to this," - he stated.

On April 29, 2024, the honorary chairman of "Georgian Dream", Bidzina Ivanishvili, said that the Global War Party is using the European Parliament as an instrument and is forcing it to destroy European values with its own hands, just as it forced Georgians to destroy Georgia in 2004-2012.

"Everyone has seen the resolution adopted by the European Parliament a few days ago, where the European politicians condoned the guilty leaders of the United National Movement once again. In this case, too, the Global War Party forced the European Parliament to support a completely un-European resolution. All of this had two goals: on the one hand, they tried to intervene rudely in the affairs of Georgia once again, and on the other hand, they showed everyone once more that the European Parliament has become one of their tools, which they will use at any time they want. With the approval of this completely non-European resolution, it was once again shown how much influence the Global War Party has on the European Union. The Global War Party in forcing the EU to destroy European values by its own hands, which, in general, is its usual signature. They destroyed Georgia in the same way by the hands of the Georgians who were in power in 2004-12," - he stated.

According to Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze's statement on June 28, 2024, during the previous years, especially the previous 2-3 years, the government was doing everything to protect the reputation of the Western partners in the country, although "during these years, unfair steps were taken on behalf of European and American institutions and specific unfair statements were made".

"This was done, for example, by MEPs, senators, congressmen, other government officials. In order to avoid damaging the reputation of Western institutions in the eyes of the Georgian public, we talked about the Global War Party, which is the truth along with everything else. One, it allowed us to avoid attacking the Western institutions, and two, it is the truth. In fact, all these statements, all these steps were taken not by the American and European institutions, but by the so-called Global War Party, which, unfortunately, has a serious influence on the official structures in both directions. In order not to give the public the wrong impression that the European Union or the USA is against us, we have been talking about the Global War Party“.

"Both the EU and the US need de-oligarchization, and I hope that the processes will go in this direction, therefore, the pressure on Georgia will decrease. Thus, if anyone was engaged in promoting anti-Western disinformation in Georgia, it was the opposition, which tried to present the case as if the EU and the US were on the side of the collective "[United] National Movement". If Georgian society were to imagine for a moment that the EU and the US are on the side of the collective "National Movement", of course, the reputation of both the one and the other would be destroyed at the same time. We, of course, should not allow this. Therefore, each of our messages was aimed at protecting the image of the West in Georgia as much as possible. The Georgian society should not think for a second that the US and the EU support the collective "National Movement", the people who were distinguished from 2004 to 2012 by torturing people, filling prisons, business racketeering, hijacking media sources, losing territories, etc. Georgian society should not think this, and we are doing everything for this cause," - he said.

According to the statement made by Irakli Kobakhidze on June 17, 2024, the Global War Party, whose members are MEP’s and US Senators, continues to blackmail Georgia, including by using the EU.

"Everything will be fine. Just as the hopes of the representatives of the opposition have been disappointed so far, they will be disappointed in the future as well. As for the opening of negotiations, the chance before the initiation of the law was zero, now it is 20-30%. We said that our task is to become a member state of the EU by 2030, we will follow this goal consistently, but blackmail continues, which specific forces initially linked to the candidate status, are now linking to the opening of negotiations. This is not the EU. This is the so-called Global War Party, which, unfortunately, has a qualitative impact on the EU. The Global War Party continues to blackmail Georgia, although today the impact of the topic of opening negotiations is completely faded as a tool of blackmail. Therefore, there is no value to this matter.

We have specific information regarding organizations, people, and names, who are representatives of the Global War Party. Among them, and we know them by their names, MEPs, and Senators. It is not in the interests of the state to specify all this, but those who blackmailed Georgia with the candidate status, do you remember that in June 2022, Georgia was denied the candidate status without any arguments? Who was blackmailing us, the EU? That was not the EU. These were the forces that, unfortunately, have qualitative influence over the EU“, - he said

On May 23, 2024, the Prime Minister of Georgia once again expressed his optimism that the EU and the US will succeed in deoligarchization.

"I once again express the hope, this is the optimism of our team, that, first of all, the EU will succeed in deoligarchization. The US can also achieve deoligarchization and it will be possible to protect their national interests more firmly, both the US, individual countries of the EU and the EU as a whole.

Today there are serious problems in this regard. The sovereignty of countries is under serious pressure. We have hope and, as we think, serious grounds for optimism that in the upcoming years the EU will manage to free itself from these harmful influences and the EU and the US will achieve de-oligarchization“, - he stated.

On May 22, 2024, Irakli Kobakhidze stated that "those who were behind other interests, the same force, the Global War Party [is behind the interests of the second front as well]".

"We cannot specify, but what we can repeat again is that these forces have a key influence on both the EU and the US, which is a very unfortunate development. One thing can be said directly - both America and the EU need deoligarchization, it can be said very definitively. These are unfortunate processes and we hope that these processes will change for the better in the future."

"Of course, we cannot call our partners, the EU, the US, a Global War Party, however, it is important to de-oligarchize both the EU and the US, to break free from this influence, otherwise, we would have a qualitatively different position, we have a very clearly stated position, we want integration into the EU, we want closer cooperation with the US, however, we unfortunately see the opposite processes from the opposite side precisely because of the influences that exist on both subjects", - he stated.

On May 13, 2024, Irakli Kobakhidze expressed hope that in the future the US and the EU will be freed from the influence of the Global War Party as much as possible.

"A few days ago, I said that it would be difficult for me to specify these entities, of course, I cannot change my position even today, due to the fact that specifying these entities may have a negative impact on our national security interests. I also specified that I do not mean the EU and the US here, on the contrary, exactly the EU is the main victim, although we will also say here that the Global War Party has a decisive, so to speak, critical influence on the official structures, both in the US and in the EU, which is a sad occurence. It is particularly easy to gain influence on the official structures of the EU, due to the fact that decisions in the EU are essentially made by full consensus by 27 countries, therefore, it is enough for the Global War Party to influence even one country and it already determines the decisions that are in its interests.

I will repeat once again that it will be difficult for me to specify, but the scale of the influences is very large and I will say that they have a serious influence on the official structures both in one and the other direction, so, we are talking about the US and the EU, which is a sad occurence. I have great hope that in the future this situation will change qualitatively and both the US and the EU will be freed from the influence of the Global War Party," - he said.

On May 12, 2024, Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidze, in response to the question, "Who is meant by the 'Global War Party'," said that this is such a delicate issue that talking about it publicly could create a problem for national security. However, he noted that "the EU is one of the main victims of these forces."

"I will tell you directly that we are not talking about a country here. I have said several times and I will repeat that neither the EU nor the US is meant here. On the contrary, the EU is one of the main victims of these forces. The EU economy was 16.3 trillion 16 years ago and is now 17.3 trillion. It is happening in the context of inflation. This means that the economy of the EU has qualitatively worsened during the 16-year period, when before that they had double growth for 5-6 years. So, [starting] from 7 trillion it exceeded 16 trillion and after that, it is practically at the same rate. The nominal economy only grew by $1 trillion, which means that if you subtract inflation, the real economy has worsened. Consequently, the EU is the main victim of these forces. Who are these forces? Many know this. We cannot say. This is such a sensitive issue that talking about it publicly could create a problem for our national security. Therefore, under no circumstances can we put our national security at such a risk, however, very specific forces are meant," - he said.

On April 17, 2024, the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, stated at a briefing that the falsification of the results of the parallel vote counting after the 2020 parliamentary elections by the NGOs was aimed at starting sabotage and a revolution in Georgia.

"You remember how the processes developed in June 2022, then these NGOs, that received funding from relevant sources, went directly to the stage, demanded the resignation of the government, and demanded the creation of a technical government with their participation.

This was a direct involvement in the revolutionary process, a direct entry into politics, which, as a rule, an NGO should not do, but they went for self-lustration. Because they hoped for success, they went all in and in this way got involved in the revolutionary processes - here I want to say one thing clearly, if “the law on transparency of foreign influence" were active, I think that the NGOs would not have dared to do all this and would take care of the reputation of their donors more. However, “the law on transparency of foreign influence“ was not adopted back then. Thus, our sovereignty was not protected so strongly. The first thing that bothered us were the attempts of a revolution“, - he stated.

On August 23, 2022, the chairman of "Georgian Dream", Irakli Kobakhidze, called ISFED an American-funded non-governmental organization involved in radical processes.

On August 19, the US Embassy responded to the non-allowance of the non-governmental organization ISFED (International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy) in the group that was working on the topic of parliamentary election reforms. The statement said that leaving such a competent organization outside the process was contrary to the recommendation of the European Commission and the spirit of reforms.

In response, Irakli Kobakhidze said: "As they like to say, it is shocking to me for one simple reason - ISFED was actively involved in falsifying the parallel counting of votes. Fraud was carried out through this organization, which was the most serious fact, and you remember the role played by the fraud of the parallel counting of votes after the 2020 elections."

"After that, we see ISFED already on the stage in front of the parliament, where a political demand is heard regarding the resignation of the government and then the formation of a technical government. ISFED was presented as a participant in the revolutionary process here as well. After this, when the embassy calls ISFED the most reliable organization and expresses its desire for the organization to be involved in the work process, it is, naturally, a surprise to us. Society is already in uncertainty due to certain facts. The public already cannot understand how an American-funded non-governmental organization can be involved in political, radical processes. When the unclear statements of the US Embassy are added to this, it, of course, increases the level of uncertainty in the society even more".

On November 9, 2022, then chairman of the Georgian Dream, Irakli Kobakhidze, announced on the air of the TV "Rustavi 2" that specific MEPs represent the Global War Party and have direct political interests, which they carry out on levels such as European Parliament and Foreign Affairs Committee.

"Certain odious MEPs have their own political interests and this is, simply, a Global War Party, here we have a Local War Party and, of course, they reinforce each other. This is, in reality, very simple logic. Everyone knows this very well, we have talked to all of them, at different times, in different formats. In reality, everyone knows very well who Mikheil Saakashvili is. These odious MEPs met with Saakashvili before he came to Georgia and approved his arrival to Georgia. One of the reasons why they are supporting Saakashvili now is that they feel responsible because they were involved in this man's arrival in Georgia. Now they have a responsibility to support him. But let's leave all this aside - these people know very well that when Kubilius was approving of Saakashvili until 2012, he knew very well that he had established a bloody regime and he was its protector. He knew and he protected it. Even after 2012, he knows very well who these people are, Saakashvili, Gvaramia, Kezerashvili, Tchuta, etc. But they have a specific political interest, there is a Global War Party, here is a Local War Party, and there is a convergence of interests." – he stated.

According to the statement made by Shalva Papusahvili on February 28, 2024, the European Endowement for Democracy, which is founded by the EU, directly finances political parties and interferes in elections - foreign money should have nothing to do with Georgian politics, such funding should be stopped, - he said.According to him, if the common will of Georgia and the EU is to hold elections under fair conditions, it is necessary to stop direct or indirect funding of parties from European channels.

"Interference from abroad is one of the threats that is expected in these elections. This threat comes primarily from Russia, but I emphasize, that it doesn't matter where the intervention comes from - the territory of Russia, the territory of the EU, or the territory of the US, any intervention is an interference in the choice of the Georgian people and it is a Russian style. Therefore, I once again call for the donors who are part of this hidden scheme and are hiding their funding, I will name one - the European Endowment for Democracy, which has covered up its own expenses in Georgia and appears to directly finance political parties and interfere in elections. The proper conduct of elections is one of the 9 Steps, and we cannot deal with this problem alone - the EU, its representation, and the European Commission must intervene here. Since the European Endowment for Democracy is an institution established by the EU, in the governance of which MEPs are strongly represented, including those who are directly connected to the "[United] National Movement".

In 2022, the representatives of Georgian Dream accused the former representative of the EU in Georgia, Carl Hartzell, of insulting the sovereignty of Georgia and political corruption.

According to Irakli Kobakhidze: "It was said that it is better to criticize politicians rather than diplomats. That's what we had the answer to. It is precisely because this man, Carl Hartzell, acted not as an ambassador, but as a politician, that is why it became necessary to assess his activities in the way we did.

I will repeat again, regarding the developed relations between the EU and Georgia, he, unfortunately, played a very negative role in these relations. This is very heartbreaking for us.

We can give many examples, I just really don't want to go into details, but we can recall periods. These were the periods connected to the weeks following the March 8 agreement, where he had a position on a certain topic, that was offensive to the state. Furthermore, when the April 19 agreement was being discussed, during the negotiations, he had a position on certain topics, that was offensive to the state. Even after that, there were certain episodes where we saw such attitudes. We saw the attitude of him not fully seeing Georgia as a sovereign state."

Irakli Kobakhidze responded to the "European Business Association" head David Lee's Twitter post, where he talks about the pressure from European Parliamentarian Andrius Kubilius and former EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell, with the following statement:

"It is certainly a scandalous statement, although I cannot say that I am shocked by this statement for the simple reason that something far worse has been done by both of them, I mean Kubilius and Hartzell. Therefore the attitude that these two people have is not at all surprising to me, including toward business independence. Pressure on business was the signature of the "National Movement" and their friends are distinguished by this signature."

Regarding the same subject, the statement of the Parliament Vice-Speaker, Giorgi Volski:

"Before David Lee made the statements, we all saw it, knew about it, it was just evaluated differently - the radical opposition liked to oppress and rob businessmen, and when they were in power, they liked the piracy that their leadership did. The accusation that came from David Lee has become a serious problem for people who have nothing to justify themselves. It's a shame that David Lee didn't speak up in time. What he is talking about is the truth, and it is a sad truth for Georgian society, regardless of their political tastes.

Whatever recording the representative of the EU, Carl Hartzell, has, he does not represent it, because it is about a certain Swedish organization, which Carl Hartzell is most likely connected with, and which funds the NGOs that David Lee talks about. Of course, corruption is not only manifested in the giving and taking of money. This is a visible example of political corruption, which is adopted by specific non-governmental organizations, and there is no way that Carl Hartzell's involvement in this corruption can be confirmed by his own recorded conversation. This is out of the question because David Lee is talking about topics that were happening before our eyes and that were so obvious that it doesn't even need additional statements. It is a pity that a foreign person speaks about this scale of corruption that took place in Georgia, including with the participation of non-governmental organizations.

In addition, statements regarding the Global War Party were also made by the members of the People's Power party, who, although formally separated from "Georgian Dream", remain part of the parliamentary majority of Georgian Dream (and according to Georgian Dream, they have no difference in values with People’s Power).

In the June 20, 2024 statement of "People's Power", it is said that the US crossed the red line regarding the sovereignty and independence of Georgia and accused it of causing the August 2008 war through its "agent network".

"Yesterday, our "strategic friend’s", the US ambassador to Georgia, Mrs. Robin Dunnigan, made the first harsh and extremely insulting statements towards the Georgian people, which, of course, we cannot leave unanswered. If until now the new ambassador more or less tried to make political maneuvers and did not touch on topics that directly affect the sovereignty and independence of our country, this time she, too, crossed this red line. This is understandable and expected because, in the conditions when the current administration of the US is conducting an inadequate, oppressive, and insulting policy towards our country, no one would allow ambassador Dunnigan to use a relatively neutral position to avoid escalating relations with the current government...

... During the last 30 years, Georgian society has learned well to distinguish between good and bad, beneficial and harmful for the country, and when you tell us that you will trade with China, but we have no right to do so, we will act as it suits our country and its development. The only country that will be seriously damaged if Georgia breaks economic relations with China is Georgia itself. Trade with Georgia on China's economy and investment here, or the opposite - the complete severance of economic relations means nothing to China and will not affect its economy in the slightest, however, it has decisive importance for Georgia. We remind you that in the same rude manner, right after the start of the Russia-Ukraine war, you asked us to impose sanctions on Russia and cut off all economic and trade contacts at once, but we did not do it. The reason here was also simple - with this foolish step, we could not affect Russia in any way, and, in reality, we would impose the "heaviest sanctions" on the economy of our country and the Georgian people with our own hands, the results of which would heavily impact the lives of our people.

It is an illusion and a mockery of the Georgian people by your constant appeal for 6 billion aid, which, apparently, you have provided to the Georgian people for 30 years. First of all, the American aid coming to Georgia, as we counted, is not 6, but about 4 billion dollars over 30 years. And secondly, a large part of this money, unfortunately, was spent in Georgia by the hands of NGOs financed by you, to bring your own favorite party - "National Movement" – to power and then to provide support. And thirdly - today these funds are used mainly by those NGOs who are engaged in subversive activities for our homeland and whose only goal is to return the "Georgian" agent network to power, the "National Movement", which has changed its face and name many times, but has always remained as slaves and sellers of the homeland.

We are forced to recall once again the contribution that Georgia made to international missions within the framework of partnership with you. Without our participation, the mission in Afghanistan alone would have cost the US at least 2 billion dollars more, although this is nothing compared to the human sacrifices that our homeland and people made in this mission.

The vicissitudes of the war of August 2008, when, after the occupation of 20 percent of our homeland, a substantial American "financial aid" was indeed spent in the country, but before the need for this aid arose in the country, your beloved party did everything to put Georgia in this very difficult situation. Yes, the agent network organized the worst provocations in 2008, and if it wasn't for this deliberate malice towards their own country, if it weren't for the wordless execution of tasks and slavish obedience, Georgia would not have been engulfed in the flames of war. There would not have been hundreds of Georgian victims, we would not have had 35,000 new displaced people, there would not have been the occupation of 20 percent of Georgia's territory and a serious collapse of the economy.

We have serious questions regarding your role and function in these processes because today even a small child in Georgia knows that Saakashvili and his agency gang performed the heaviest tasks against Georgia in order to provoke the occupation. It was after these August events that Russia was named "occupier" and the US was a strategic partner, which in subsequent years until today, more or less successfully, has been used to produce propaganda and terrorize public opinion. As for the aid provided after the August war (which constitutes a serious share of the aid provided by the US to Georgia), we will tell you simply - you just had no other solution, because if you did not pour money into the economy that collapsed from the war, your beloved United National Movement would collapse with it. In reality, you paid this money to keep your own agent network in power. Yes, it was an expense for your purposes, otherwise, how „decent“ of a help is the settlement of tens of thousands of displaced persons in the barracks of Tserovani, the Georgian people can clearly see.

Despite all this, you still stubbornly consider it aid and constantly ask us to thank you for the mythical 6 billion, which in reality is not even 4 billion and is mainly used to strengthen your own agent network. Therefore, we once again strictly urge you to publish a detailed cost estimate of the funds and everything will become clear to the public. If you really wanted a friendly relationship and strategic partnership with our country, you would have built the Anaklia port with American investment a long time ago. Despite numerous proposals, you have refused to build the port every time, and now that a real investor has appeared, you clearly show by your attitude towards this project and its investors that the only goal you are driven by is to disrupt the project and cancel the construction of the port.

If you were interested in real strategic relations with our country, Georgian citizens would not shamefully be next to Afghanistan in the statistics of visas issued. That same Afghanistan where we fought with American soldiers for years and shed blood to establish democracy. In the end, we got the answer that Afghans get US visas more often than Georgians. What is this called, strategic partnership or mocking and insulting our country and people?..."

In response to the announcement of the US about the victory of the Chinese company in the tender for the construction of the port of Anaklia, according to the May 30, 2024 statement of People's Power, the US does not want to develop Georgia and Europe, but to weaken it. In the same context, People's Power mentioned the war of August 2008 and also accused the US of planning revolutionary scenarios in Georgia.

"...it must be said directly that the American interest is neither in the strengthening of the economy of Georgia, not even in Europe, nor the implementation of successful projects here. Moreover, America's interest is against all this, it is to weaken and destroy the European economy, which, unfortunately, it has been successfully doing for the last decades, and to achieve this goal, it directly involves the countries in wars. The most important role in the creation of a crisis of this scale was played by the three wars that took place in Europe - the 2008 Russia-Georgia, 2014 Russia-Ukraine, and the current Russia-Ukraine wars. As a result, the nominal economy of the EU was 16.3 trillion dollars in 2008, and by the end of 2024, it will only be 17.3 trillion. Meanwhile, the USA’s nominal economy is growing from $14.8 trillion to $28 trillion.

Anyone who understands the economy even a little bit will get what 16-year economic stagnation means to the EU. This is what American „strategic partnership“ means in numbers. It got to the point that the production of the German Mercedes was moved to the US due to the lack of cheap labor, and there are many similar examples. This is the signature of the American "assistance", we will not be able to convince even one person that the American government had the desire, but failed to build the port. Our "strategic partners" have no desire to connect their politics with the economy and try to pursue their interests in this way. They want to bring the agent network back to power in a crude, revolutionary way and carry out their own political interests by their hands. Their main interest is that the port is not built, and this is where the main problem lies. We will repeat once again that otherwise there would be no problem for America to take over this project..."

In the May 16, 2024 statement, People's Power accused the European states of being involved in the revolutionary processes in Georgia and trying to open a "second front", as members of the "Global War Party".

"We were watching the events taking place in front of the Parliament of Georgia yesterday with great concern. What the foreign ministers of four countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Iceland, dared in the presence of several hundreds of protesters, was an attempt to humiliate and trample the Georgian people, our country, and its sovereignty. The auditors, who came to Georgia as friends, took the stage intended for the protest and directly called the people gathered there to stage a revolution. Estonian Margus Tsahkna stood out with audacity, he even started to impart wisdom and decided to point out to us that "freedom is not obtained without paying a price...“

This foolish statement, first of all, once again convinced us that the danger of opening a second front in our country has not disappeared, and the desire of the global war party to sacrifice Georgia for weakening Russia is still relevant. Second - the minister of a foreign country visiting Georgia dares to speak to the Georgian people during a speech at an anti-government rally, that freedom, apparently, cannot be obtained without paying a price. He dares to say it to the people who fought the hardest for liberation from the Soviet empire and made the greatest sacrifices in this struggle; to the people who endured two wars after the declaration of independence to preserve freedom and statehood. Moreover, the representative of the country that, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, became a member of NATO and the EU without any complications and is covered by the security umbrella, is trying to teach us about "paying the price" for freedom, when we are still fighting domestic and foreign enemies with our bare hands.

Today it is obvious that the Global War Party is once again trying to start the Maidanization process in Georgia. In recent years, our "arch-friends" have already had three failed revolution attempts.

In 2020, the radical opposition tried to organize a revolution, but they failed;

In 2021, journalists climbed the barricades, but their efforts also failed;

In 2022, the NGOs took the lead in the revolutionary process, but the people did not follow them either;

Now, in 2024, donors have entered the arena, and today we are watching their attempt to stage a coup.

The foreign affairs ministers of the countries, who tried to "Maidanize" Georgia from the stage yesterday are insignificant pawns of the global war party who will always do what they are told. Just as insignificant as the European politicians visiting Georgia the day before. They carry out the task of encouraging radicalism and stand on the stage themselves to promote the revolutionary process. However, we must break the hopes of the Global War Party and its agent network - their efforts are doomed to failure as in the previous three cases.

The Georgian people are wise and can very well see the dangers that the Maidanization of Georgia and its result - the inevitable involvement in the war will bring. Us, Georgians have made many sacrifices for freedom, and all of this fight was not to replace one master with other masters.

When foreign politicians and ministers give speeches at anti-governmental rallies and make revolutionary calls, it means that they are neglecting the sovereignty and independence of our country. Such action in any country would be the biggest political scandal.

It is true that our country is now taking the first steps towards the restoration of real sovereignty, but it is not right to tolerate such a brazen attitude towards the state. That is why we wrote in the letter made public a few days ago that the government should consider whether it was right to let these people into the country. Today each of our citizen is convinced that we were right. That is why, in order not to repeat a similar action, which was manifested in the illegal and anti-governmental acts of the ministers of European countries - coming to an anti-government rally and waving a finger at Georgia from there - before we open the door to a guest, we should study the purpose of their visit more carefully".

People's Power connected the US aid to Georgia to the belief of the August 2008 war provocation in the statement of April 18, 2024.

It is simple logic that, in the democratic system, if you want to spend money, you should say what you are spending it for. Society will find out the rest for itself: if money is spent for the good or harm of the country, whether foreign influence serves good purposes or tries to establish vices in the country. We have repeatedly heard that America has spent 6 billion in Georgia over 30 years. Kelly Degnan liked to talk about it the most, and now the current ambassador repeated her message. However, despite repeated questions, they still do not tell us what they spent this money on.

Those who understand the essence of statehood will easily agree that no state is created for charity and helping other states. We all know that free cheese is found only in a mouse trap. Any amount that the government gives as a loan or a grant is a capital investment designed to get double profit. This is where the catch is. As soon as the finances are outed, the Georgian society will know exactly what was actually used for the development of the country and what profit the lender saw.

That is why even our question annoys them. Is this question also a Russian law? If you have contributed 6 billion to this country, why do you avoid showing off your charity? When you do that, it means that you have a lot to hide.

First of all, what you have to hide is that the so-called aid was in fact not for the development of Georgia, but for the establishment and strengthening of the agent network in the country. As a result of the so-called aid, we got a war, the occupation of 20 percent of the country's territories, more than 400 dead, and 30 thousand displaced Georgians. The Georgian people are still paying the loans that were used to incite and save the Saakashvili regime in 2008-11.

It is understandable that you don't want to disclose the funds spent over 30 years, but at least let the Georgian society know what you are spending today. Perhaps, the largest part of these funds will be used for revolutionary scenarios and the return of the agent network to power, weakening of state institutions, damaging the reputation of the Orthodox Church, LGBT propaganda, promotion of political intervention with religious content, support of religious extremism, blocking of economic projects, radicalization and deepening polarization? If the Georgian people find out about this, maybe they will want to stop the so-called aid?

In addition, all these years, with the grants given to NGOs, they fluctuated the country and, accordingly, its economy, that without them, naturally, Georgia would be much ahead economically today. If we compare the amount of these grants with the amount of economic damage caused by the grants, we are sure that we will get at least a tenfold difference. Each 100 million dollars spent on NGOs means at least a billion dollars lost to the country's economy. If it were not for these grants, instead of one NGO job, the country would have created 10 healthy jobs. Under such conditions, it is cynicism and nothing more to present supporting NGOs as financial aid.

Eka Sephashvili, secretary of international relations of the People's Power party, a member of the parliamentary majority, answered the question, of who and what is meant by Global Party. She said that the Global War Party is "an association of families that own a huge share of the leading economic, transnational organizations in the world and have representatives, as advisers, in the current US administration, as well as in the European Commission and in various countries of the European Union.

On February 29, 2024, Sozar Subari made a statement on the TV program "Imedi LIVE" about the financing of NGOs from Western funds:

„Parties create NGOs and they are financed by various Western foundations. It is very unfortunate that in many cases, these foundations are governmental, such as USAID, as well as foundations of the EU and European countries. This is a direct violation of the Constitution of Georgia - the foundation that does this and the country that finances it directly tells us that it does not respect the Constitution of Georgia."

"Robin Dunnigan's response to the question of how she views the fact that the US government, through USAID or the US Embassy, funds the activities of NGOs trying to stage a revolution was not satisfactory and was not what we should have heard from a friend."

In the letter sent by Mikheil Kavelashvili to Kelly Degnan on July 8, 2022, he makes it appear so that the US Embassy and Kelly Degnan are the driving forces behind all those powers or people who, according to Mikheil Kavelashvili, are demanding the change of the government in Georgia, as well as joining of the sanctions and the war.

"Today's protests are directly related to all of this, [these protests] are organized by the same people who were distinguished by the rhetoric of war, called us to join the sanctions and send the planes, and with these demands, they also organized protests in February-March. These people were trained by Peter Ackerman, who came from America shortly after the start of the war and was, as it is known, strongly connected to the official American structures“.

"The same people who receive substantial funding from you through the NGOs stood on Rustaveli [avenue] a couple of days ago and, according to the Bakuriani scenario, made a political demand for the resignation of the government [...] everything is still going towards what they openly called us to do in February-March, i.e. joining the war".

Sozar Subari, Dimitri Khundadze and Mikheil Kavelashvili published a statement on the 4th of July 2022, where they called the twelve priorities of the EU "a tool for a the revolutionary plan".

"Each priority will be used as a ground for fulfilling a revolutionary plan in the country. From this standpoint, each priority recommended by the EU should be viewed as 1/12 of a revolutionary plan for the radical opposition. United National Movement and their local and international partners will consequently try to use each point to prepare a revolutionary plot until the end of December.

In the statement published on the 30th of June 2022, Members of Georgian Parliament Sozar Subari, Dimitri Khundadze and Mikheil Kavelashvili repeat the message about a revolutionary plot behind the rejection of Georgia's application for the candidate status by the EU. MPs emphasize the 6-month limit, that was initially given for fulfilling the 12 conditions. They claim that the 6-month limit set for the fulfillment of 12 priorities is "unprecedented and incomprehensible" and is an instrument to put pressure on the government along with the statements of ambassadors and members of the European Parliament. Unlike the previous statements, members of parliament touched upon the recommendations regarding deoligarchisation and de-polarisation. Deoligarchisation (in which, according to them, the EU "impudently" implies Bidzina Ivanishvili) and imposing "informal sanctions" on him is viewed as a tool for putting pressure on the Georgian Government to join the war.

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