A photo-print is being disseminated in social networks under the name of SOCAR Georgia Gas, featuring the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili. The photo-print says that the SOCAR Georgia Gas is offering customers the chance to invest more than GEL 300 and in exchange promises GEL 4,000 in income.

The offer, appearing under the name of SOCAR Georgia Gas and featuring photos of Salome Zurabishvili is another scam and has nothing to do with the SOCAR Georgia Gas or the President of Georgia.

Neither SOCAR’s official website nor its Facebook page say anything about the offer. A statement posted on the official website of the SOCAR Georgia Gas in 2022 says that the company regularly informs the public about its activities and promotions via social networks and official media channels. In the statement, the company also warns customers to be wary of such types of scams. It is also said that disinformation under the name of SOCAR was also promoted at other times.

In regard to the Facebook account which is promoting this false information, it was created on 20 April 2023, is inauthentic and does not belong to SOCAR Georgia Gas. This fraudulent publication promoted by the aforementioned Facebook page is sponsored and can be found in Facebook Ad Library. It is also identified through the Facebook Ad Library that the publication was sponsored on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

Therefore, the claim that the SOCAR Georgia Gas is offering investment in the company in exchange of profit is false. This publication is a part of scam and has nothing to do with the SOCAR Georgia Gas and the President of Georgia.


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