Numerous inauthentic pieces of footage and photographs about the Russia-Ukraine war were disseminated on Facebook on 24 February 2022. One piece of footage shows an anti-missile defense system in action which in fact does not depict the current hostilities (link 1, link 2 and link 3).

In fact, this piece of footage shows neither the Russia-Ukraine nor any other real war. It is taken from the War Thunder video game which was uploaded on YouTube on 15 December 2021 by the Pandramodo channel.

International fact-checking platforms also reported that the aforementioned footage has no connection with the ongoing events (link 1, link 2 and link 3).


This article was produced as part of Facebook’s Fact-checking Programme. Given the rating, Facebook may impose different restrictions – click here for full information. For information on issuing a correction or to dispute a rating, please see here.

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