As compared to 2012, remuneration for the ministers in 2015 dropped by 20%, and by 10% for the deputy ministers
According to the statement of the Minister of Finance of Georgia, Nodar Khaduri: "The total labour remuneration for ministers in the first nine months of 2015 has dropped by 20% as compared to the first nine months of 2012 and the labour remuneration for deputy ministers has dropped by 10% in the same period." According to the Labour Code of Georgia, labour remuneration for civil servants includes salary, bonus and salary supplement as envisaged by the law. The bonus is a form of financial incentive in the public service. The salary supplement is given upon the decision of a superior when an employee works overtime or performs additional functions. FactCheck has already written about this topic in an earlier article (see the link). In order to verify the Minister’s statement, FactCheck addressed the ministries and requested information about the labour remuneration for ministers and deputy ministers for the period of 2012-2015 (nine months). Of note is that we have not yet received information from the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science. In regard to the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection and the Ministry of Agriculture, they provided us with incomplete statistical data (information was not categorised month by month) and, therefore, we could not use the data received from these ministries to include in our research. In the case of the Ministry of Justice, the labour remuneration for the deputy minister in 2012 is not published on the website. Therefore, in order to verify the fact mentioned by the Minister of Finance, FactCheck verified the data of ten ministries as given in Table 1. Apart from these ten ministries, FactCheck also reviewed the data of the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection and the Ministry of Agriculture. In the case of these two ministries, we compared the data on labour remuneration in 2012 to those of 2014. In the case of the Ministry of Justice, we compared the labour remuneration of the Minister for 2012 to the labour remuneration in 2014.   Table 1: Labour Remuneration in 2012-2015 (Nine Months) to Ministers and Deputy Ministers (GEL)
2012  2015 
Ministry Salary Bonus Salary Supplement Total Salary Bonus Salary Supplement Total Difference
Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs 31860 31860 0 63720 31860 0 24390 56250 -11.7%
Deputy Ministers 99990 99990 0 199980 78230 8390 66890 153510 -23%
Minister of Finance 31854 32160 26067 90081 31860 24390 56250 -37%
Deputy Ministers 126081 190350 77370 393801 86842 4800 144960 236602 -39%
Minister of Defence 31859 0 9090 40949 35400 0 42322 77722 89.0%
Deputy Ministers 99235 135824 39797 274856 83829 0 91452 175281 -36%
Minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs 31859 49960 0 81819 31860 21680 53540 -36%
Deputy Ministers 96306 184573 0 280879 65495 9160 62560 137215 -51%
Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees 31860 33985 0 65845 31860 24390 56250 -14.7%
Deputy Ministers 103985 64640 0 168625 123175 124470 247645 46.8%
Ministry of Energy 85689 56250 -43%
Deputy Ministers 339308 220580 -34.9%
Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development 28159 28320 0 56479 31860 24390 56250 0%
Deputy Ministers 83244 92880 0 176124 70689 12585 69858 153132 -13%
Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources 31897 24300 0 56197 35400 24390 59790 6%
Deputy Ministers 72532 41120 0 113652 85446 1125 84843 171414 50%
Ministry of Corrections 31683 40965 0 72648 35400 24390 59790 -17.6%
Deputy Ministers 70117 110725 0 180842 51600 650 46230 97830 -45.9%
Minister of Foreign Affairs 31860 31860 0 63720 31860 24390 56250 -11.7%
Deputy Ministers 147601 172390 10620 330611 125458 13830 125542 264830 -19.8%
  As illustrated in the table, the total labour remuneration of ministers and deputy ministers in the first nine months of 2012 was GEL 3,136,000. This number in the first nine months of 2015 was GEL 2,446,000 which is 21% less as compared to 2012. In regard to bonuses, the amount of bonuses given to ministers and deputy ministers dropped by 96% as compared to 2012. However, the amount of salary supplements increased by 545% as compared to 2012. In total, the amount of bonuses given to ministers and deputy ministers decreased by GEL 1,315,000 whilst the amount of salary supplements increased by GEL 889,000. If we take the salary, bonus and salary supplement together, we will see that the labour remuneration of ministers dropped by a total of 13% in the first nine months of 2015 and by 24% for deputy ministers. In regard to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection, the amount of labour remuneration for ministers and deputy ministers was GEL 369,000 according to the data for 2012 whilst this number decreased by 21% in 2014. In the case of the Ministry of Justice, labour remuneration for the minister was GEL 42,479 whilst this number doubled and reached GEL 87,500 in 2014. Of particular note is that there were several amendments enacted in the legislation after 2012 with a view to regulating the giving of bonuses and salary supplements. For instance, the amount of salary supplement for a minister was determined together with the ceiling and the frequency of the bonus (see the link).   Conclusion According to the data of the aforementioned ten ministries, the amount of labour remuneration in the first nine months of 2012 was GEL 677,000. According to the data for 2015, this number dropped by 13%. In regard to the labour remuneration for deputy ministers, it was GEL 2,458,000 in 2012 whilst it dropped by 24% in 2015. In the cases of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection, labour remuneration for ministers and deputy ministers dropped by 21% in 2014 as compared to 2012. In regard to the labour remuneration for the Minister of Justice, it increased by 105% in 2014 as compared to 2012. Even though FactCheck was unable to obtain information from every ministry (the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science), we can conclude that the labour remuneration for ministers and deputy ministers decreased in the first nine months of 2015 as compared to the same period in 2012. Therefore, FactCheck concludes that Nodar Khaduri’s statement is TRUE.

Nodar Khaduri

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