Irakli Gharibashvili:
“In the rule of law ratings, we are ranked first among Eastern European and Central Asian countries… It is disinformation that we do not have a free judiciary and face challenges in terms of the rule of law.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Irakli Gharibashvili’s statement is MOSTLY FALSE
30/10/2023Mostly FalseIn the statement is the elements of the truth, but the important facts that could have made other impressions -
Shalva Papuashvili:
“There are no remarks from the Venice Commission about amendments to the Law on Common Courts.”
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Shalva Papuashvili’s statement is FALSE
22/03/2023FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
Manipulation: “It is MEP Viola von Cramon, not us, who says that the candidate status will not bring riches and prosperity.”
09/11/2022Manipulationგანცხადებაში გაჟღერებული ფაქტები/რიცხვები მეტ-ნაკლებად სწორია, თუმცა სრული კონტექსტი განზრახ არის დამახინჯებული-en
კანდიდატის სტატუსი
“Recent economic growth constitutes 9.7%...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
“Georgia is becoming increasingly attrac...
FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
“The economy grew by 9.5% with export an...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition