Natia Turnava:
We had a 6% economic growth rate in March and with an estimated annual 5%, we are a high economic growth country in the whole region. Our economic growth rate more than twice exceeds the economic growth rates of our neighbours
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Natia Turnava’s statement is HALF TRUE.
29/05/2019Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
Ivane Machavariani:
Today, the estimated growth rate for our economy is 4.6% which is the highest growth rate in the entire region
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Ivane Machavariani’s statement is MOSTLY FALSE.
20/05/2019Mostly FalseIn the statement is the elements of the truth, but the important facts that could have made other impressions -
Roman Gotsiridze:
In the course of the last six years, Georgia’s GDP growth exceeded that of Armenia’s only twice. In the last six years, there has not been a single instance in Georgia when the GDP growth reached 5%
FactCheck concludes that Roman Gotsiridze’s statement is HALF TRUE.
06/05/2019Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context
GDP Growth
“Recent economic growth constitutes 9.7%...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
“Georgia is becoming increasingly attrac...
FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
“The economy grew by 9.5% with export an...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition