Koba Gvenetadze:
Koba Gvenetadze: In 2004-2016 when the GEL exchange rate was stable, the annual inflation rate was 5.6% on average whilst in 2015-2019 when GEL was in depreciation, the inflation rate is less at 3.9%
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Koba Gvenetadze’s statement is TRUE.
21/12/2020TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Koba Gvenetadze:
Koba Gvenetadze: In 2004-2016 when the GEL exchange rate was stable, the annual inflation rate was 5.6% on average whilst in 2015-2019 when GEL was in depreciation, the inflation rate is less at 3.9%
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Koba Gvenetadze’s statement is TRUE.
21/12/2020TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Zurab Tchiaberashvili:
GEL depreciated twofold in the last eight years due to a wrong economy [economic policy].
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Zurab Tchiaberashvili’s statement is HALF TRUE.
12/10/2020Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
Zurab Tchiaberashvili:
GEL depreciated twofold in the last eight years due to a wrong economy [economic policy].
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Zurab Tchiaberashvili’s statement is HALF TRUE.
12/10/2020Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
Otar Kakhidze:
The government failed to keep what they inherited: the economic growth rate, the GEL exchange rate and tariffs which they promised to halve
Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Otar Kakhidze’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE.
14/06/2019Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
Ivane Machavariani:
The depreciation of the exchange rate is related to external factors and it is important to decrease dependence on USD in order to safeguard against the impact of such fluctuations
Verdict: FactCheck leaves Ivane Machavariani’s statement WITHOUT VERDICT.
27/05/2019Without verdictThe verification of the application can not be evaluated
ლარის კურსი
“Recent economic growth constitutes 9.7%...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition -
“Georgia is becoming increasingly attrac...
FalseThe statement is inaccurate -
“The economy grew by 9.5% with export an...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition