Irakli Gharibashvili:
Bidzina Ivanishvili has given the Jighaura Nursery to the state for free
01/12/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Irakli Nadiradze:
Tbilisi City budget provides for the construction of two public toilets. The cost of each of these toilets is GEL 50,000
25/11/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Levan Tarkhnishvili:
The facts of the violation of the rights of religious minorities are not being investigated
24/11/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Nodar Javakhishvili:
The previous government sold state property to a specially established company for a minimal price and then bought the property back with a price increase of 17,000%
რეგიონული განვითარებისა და ინფრასტრუქტურის მინისტრმა, ნოდარ ჯავახიშვილმა, "კვირის პალიტრისთვის"
17/11/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Zurab Melikishvili:
ბოლო სამი წლის განმავლობაში სახელმწიფო ვალი 3 მილიარდზე მეტად გაიზარდა
13/11/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Nodar Khaduri:
The population can see online and upon a daily basis how the country’s budget is being spent
13/11/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Irakli Gharibashvili:
ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილი: ხუთ წლამდე ასაკის ბავშვთა სიკვდილიანობამ ათი და თორმეტი პუნქტით იკლო
03/11/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Vakhtang Abashidze:
Georgia is one of the cheapest countries in the world in terms of mobile [telephone] service prices
26/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Giorgi Margvelashvili:
Constitutional amendments about the election system were drafted circumventing the Constitutional Commission
24/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Aleksandre Elisashvili:
The highest bonus at Tbilisi City Council, 300% of the initial wage, was issued under the chairmanship of Irakli Shikhiashvili. He had already joined the Georgian Dream coalition by that time
23/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Irakli Gharibashvili:
The mortality rate for children under the age of five years has dropped by 10 and 12 points per every thousand children
23/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Giga Bokeria:
We have seen the illegal and coordinated actions of two branches against Rustavi 2 – the court and the Public Register
22/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Giga Bokeria:
The main point of the seizure of the property is to prevent the flow of money from Rustavi 2. Money would enter Rustavi 2 by a share purchase agreement and the company’s condition would be improved
21/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Dimitri Kumsishvili:
The number of car accidents is rising annually
16/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Giorgi Kadagidze:
International organisations are positively assessing the policies of the National Bank of Georgia
16/10/2015TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing