The fake Mother Irma account is spreading disinformation in social networks. A Facebook account, which uses a photograph taken from the official Facebook account belonging to Katherine Smychok (Kатерина Смичок), the Mother Superior at a Ukrainian convent, published a screenshot of a falsified conservation. The fake account claims that PosTV’s journalist Natia Beridze sent her a message of a sexual content.

In fact, the Facebook account which operates under the name of Mother Irma and that it serves the Nekresi convent is fake. In reality, the photograph from this fake account uses as a profile picture which belongs to a Ukrainian nun, Katherine Smychok (Kатерина Смичок).

Moreover, according to the Patriarchate of the Georgian Orthodox Church, the Nekresi eparchy does not actually have a convent. The publication which was made under the fake account’s name amassed hundreds of likes and shares in social networks. Natia Beridze herself commented on the publication and confirmed that the published conversation was indeed inauthentic. Therefore, the claim that the PosTV journalist a sent a nun a letter of a sexual content is false.

Similarly, there was a fake account in social networks last year operating under the name of Mother Mariam which also claimed that she served at the Nekresi convent.


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