A screenshot of the online media On.ge’s article was disseminated through Facebook (link 1, link 2 and link 3). The photograph shows the Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Gharibashvili, with the following caption: “Families in Tbilisi will be obliged to give housing and food to students from villages, for free, obviously.” The photograph gives the impression that the Prime Minister actually made that statement and it was published on the website of On.ge.

The screenshots appearing in social media have hundreds of reacts. Given the nature of the reacts, it is clear that most Facebook users perceived this particular piece of information as satire. However, looking at the comments, it is also visible that some among the Georgian public believed this was a real statement. In fact, the photograph which is disseminated using On.ge’s visuals is of a satirical content and is not true.

The Prime Minister, Irakli Gharibashvili, has not made this statement. There is no such statement made by him which can be found on On.ge’s website or its Facebook page or in any other open sources. Therefore, this photograph and the caption are fabricated and bear a satirical character.


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