Eliso Chapidze:
“According to the European Union’s assessment, the situation in prisons has significantly improved.”
06/09/2013Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
Eliso Chapidze:
“In 2008 the President dismissed the existing Board of Trustees of the Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB) and appointed new members.”
18/08/2013Mostly FalseIn the statement is the elements of the truth, but the important facts that could have made other impressions -
Eliso Chapidze:
“The Draft Law (on Broadcasting) has been sent to Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, for expert opinion. From the options proposed by her, we made a choice in favour of 1 January 2014.”
12/08/2013TrueThe statement is accurate and nothing is missing -
Eliso Chapidze:
“International and local organisations note that the new rule of the composition of the Georgian Public Broadcaster’s (GPB) Board of Trustees is democratic.”
07/06/2013Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition

1 (25%)
Mostly True
1 (25%)
Half True
1 (25%)
Mostly False
1 (25%)
“A third of wine exports reaches new mar...
Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
“External trade turnover increased by 39...
Half TrueThe statement is partly accurate, but the details are missing or some of the issues are without context -
“Restaurant expenses totalled GEL 16,400...
Mostly TrueThe application is accurate, but requires additional information and/or definition